="s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCUQFjAA&" There should be a translate button. ="s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CC8QtwIwAQ&" Video of a visit by the Recife Astronomy Society( in Portuguese). Sorry translate button did not transfer over. The observatory is used to monitor asteroid impacts as part of an international project. ="s&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CEkQFjAF&" Paper explaining the project. ( mostly in English) You need to right click on bottom of address in white and click Go to copied address.
Brian, I'm struggling with that link. I've tried a number of things, including taking just the part from www through to .pdf, right-clicking as you say, and so on. I'm not getting this to work. I can get and see the Translate button but I'm not quite sure what we're looking for from that page. ="s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCUQFjAA&" There should be a translate button.
The observatory is used to monitor asteroid impacts as part of an international project.
Like it says on the website:
This initiative is part of the Brazil international programs to search and tracking asteroids and comets at risk of collision with Earth
As it's Brazilian and looking for things that might smack Earth, I hope they don't let seven of them get through like they did against Germany a few weeks ago...!
I do not know what happened there Andy the link " Go to copied Address" does not work now. The Link is to a paper in English which explains the conception, development, construction and operation of the project and observatory.