Orion on launch pad.
Got your boarding pass ready, Brian?
All systems check, T-minus 4mins for launch, cool. Anyone noticed the Fuel 1 guy hesitated when he said GO? Dont hesitate!
Regards to this test flight, so they will analyse how parachutes will open on the capsule. But how will they test ...
....grrr flight aborted again. This is normal isnt it?!
...as I was saying, how do they test parachutes for a martian atmosphere? How would they simulate that?
Launch postponed for 24 hours.
It's finally launched... if you missed it, see here:
Tej I suspect that they will use a lander and a landing system close to the one used by curiosity. Which has already been tried and tested.
Successful splash down at 16.29. Reminds me of the thrill and excitement when Apollo 11 returned to earth.