Anyone want to give this a try? . Not long now.
Not long now.
Let's hope it doesn't have an 'Armstrong' incident and have to revert to manual control at the last minute to avoid a huge rock! If I remember correctly, Rosetta is about a 38-minute round-trip away by radio!
You are correct Andy. His skills as a test pilot came into good use. He had to override the computer otherwise there would not have been a moon landing on that day. ="s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCMQFjAA&" . . The countdown begins. Rubber duck or black swan? ="s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCMQFjAA&" Article by Stuart Clarke.
That link doesnt work Brian,
I think this is the one:
I just watched the short film, a lover of watching short movies, I enjoyed this one as a glorifying visually spectacular trailer for the Rosetta mission...but ultimately, that is all it is. I support the investment to make it as I am all for increasing the variety of channels to broaden the appeal of science so well done to them
However, it goes without saying (but I say it anyway) that it is no substitiute for well delivered engaging lecture or documentary.
I agree Tej but for those who find it hard to sit through a lecture or find documentaries difficult this could be away of getting the message across. Also it could stir interest in astronomy from someone who had not thought about it.
One quote that concerned me in the article...
In my experience most people want to be entertained rather than educated.
Why can't you do both?
An enjoyable short film granted, which goes some way towards educating and entertaining... but something about it makes me feel uneasy. Do we really have to spend huge amounts of money on CGI to get a message out nowadays? Is that really the only way to educate and entertain? It seems everything has to be flashy and technically brilliant to get people's attention.
What happened to imagination?
Which reminds me: my "Can-o-Worms" can-opener has just been sharpened, so...
Is it me or does Brian Cox take an awful long time to say not very much in his current series?
[Pulls pin, throws hand grenade, quickly dons tin hat...]