<iframe src="http://mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/orion-first-flight/?action=getcert&e=1&cn=1020687" width="750" height="307" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
DOnt forget to take plenty of your own oxygen cylinders and convert your solar currency here as they will charge an arm an a leg when you get there 🙂
HOld on...that's the real thing?! Sorry Brian, I thought was a fanciful trip to Mars ticket but is that some sort of high altitude real orbiter? If so wow, way to go Spaceman..you are getting more awesome than you already are.
Edit: frantically digging further into what the hell that ticket is all about...
Ok now I get it, I leave my above embarrassing ill-knowledged comment untouched for everyone's amusement 🙂
Just call me rocket man. Sorry Tej, a lot of people have believed me. My wife said she did not want me to go. I will never go into space but my name might.
Of course she wouldn't want you go as I think it was going to be a long long time, rocket man 😉
a long long time
ROTFL, as the kids say, Tej.
Brian, that's awesome. My daughter is now going, too.