It was shared on Facebook by the Galloway Forest Dark Sky Park but they didn't know what it is. Anyone?
Edit: Hmm. Sorry for uploading it twice. I thought I'd try again with a more elegant file name but I can't see how to delete the original without redoing the whole posting.
Looks like a supernova remnant to me... but don't know which one.
Ahh... and now I do... a quick browse of supernovae remnants, and I've found a match. Not a supernova remnant, but an emission nebula.
NGC6888 - the Crescent Nebula in Cygnus.
Must be a narrowband image, with some interesting use of the colour palette!
Brilliant! Many thanks, Mike.
You may have missed my edit above... it's not a supernova remnant, but an emission nebula.
Got it now. Thanks!