This enormous active region on the Sun certainly seems to encouraged lots of images to be taken.
We've received a couple of images in the last few days from Flamsteed members.
The first is from John Williams, who imaged the Sun using a Coronado PST and an SPC900 webcam:
The second came from Martin Male with a white-light image of the Sun, taken on Monday this week:
Both images have been added to our gallery for the Sun:
Well done, John, its difficult getting focus on the PST with a webcam, yet you got all the features, nice. The white light image is great, shows the stupendous scale of those huge spots in relation to the sun disk.
Hello Tej
Regarding the focusing of the Coronado PST, I have built a box to house my laptop. I have a piece of blanket which covers my head and keeps most of the light out. I have made a stout bracket to fix the PST to my tracking mount. I can easily reach the focus control when seated at the laptop. I go carefully through the focus point several times until I have the best point.For this picture I used an SPC900 webcam fitted with a 2 X barlow lens. I removed the colour from this picture, then added false colour.
I cant see the picture John??
I have since been using a QHY5L-II camera to image the sun which enables me to achieve focus btw.
This was one such image:
Problem I have with that camera, though was that I get these Newtonian rings on my images. Rupert then taught me to tilt the camera slightly to eliminate them which worked! However, I also find that having the image move around a little bit while recording and then be stacked also eliminates the Newtonian rings.
Look forward to seeing your sun image when you upload it again.
Edit: Oh you meant the pics from last year above! Doh!
Nice picture, What does focus btw mean?
"btw" is abbreviation for "by the way". Sorry about my Yoda english, that should have come at the start of the sentence!
This is my first ever Sun image. . . Taken with approx 30 seconds of neximage cam stacked using a coronado at a camp I went to about 3 years ago