Hey all!
Long time since I popped my head around here! I've not had much to share lately and I forgot to log in to see what you had a share as well. How inconsiderate.
Anyway, here's a Perseid. I saw a huge fireball too, but just out of the frame. Shame, it would have made a wonderful photo! I need a fisheye!
IMG_9902.jpg by Sumitra Sri Bhashyam, on Flickr
Anyone caught anything?
Good catch, Sumitra! And well done seeing a fireball. I have never seen one. I hope I will one day.
Well, I was planning to go to an overnight stay at Knoll House Gardens in Sevenoaks for some darker skies than London (given Flamsteed justifiably couldnt hold one at Cudham due to the iffy weather forecast) but because of the delicate forecast, I thought might be too much risk of a wasted journey so instead I thought to explore Alexendra Park which is open 24hr to public, just for a different scenery and for future options of potential stargazing spots in London. It is a lovely scenic spot with a fantastic view of london from the top of the hill where the Alexandra Palace sits on but there are too many trees with not much open space and a few too many "gaslight" style lamps dotted around to really make it an ideal stargazing . Anyway, I pointed my camera at the Plough just as I did in Cudham last year in the hope of the big dipper catching a meteor in the pan. I think I caught it but it looks like it slipped out the pan like the awful cook, that I really am! Its the only one I caught on camera during a whole 3 hours I had it rolling until 1am. Looking up though, I saw just 4 meteors but they were lovely! First time I actually seen shooting stars in London! Its great that despite our floodlit city, we can still enjoy a few bright meteors 🙂 And the skies turned out clear! So considering the limitations and odds on weather forecast, I had nice evening 🙂
Oh, That's a fun one!! That's fab! 🙂
Sumitra, that's not Clive's patented glow-in-the-dark radio astronomy kit in your photo, is it? 😉
Seriously, though, nice work, Sumitra and Tej. If your pics are copy-protected on Flickr could I ask you to send me a high res copy for the next video, please?
Many thanks!
Very nice images, Sumitra and Tej.
Sorry for not replying sooner - I've been away on holiday. I was in Exmoor, so got some fabulous dark skies, and saw quite a few Perseids on Wednesday evening. Didn't set up a camera though... just wanted to enjoy the experience!
The hotel I was staying in even had a telescope (which no-one knew how to use!!), so I put it back into commission for them.
A shame that we couldn't organise a Cudham session this year, but it looks like plenty of people managed to see some Perseids nonetheless.