he first of our practical imaging workshops is planned for this Friday the 17th (or the 18th as a weather backup). The workshop is intended as a follow up to the 'Introduction to Astrophotography' Workshop we hold at the ROG.
It is aimed at DSLR Imaging and will cover the following topics in two separate parts as follows;
Part One - Imaging with a camera lens
This will focus (excuse the pun!) on imaging using a camera on a fixed tripod. It is intended to cover the basics of night time imaging. It will cover the techniques of;
Exposure & White balance
Dealing with light pollution
Timed Exposures
Part Two - Imaging with a telescope
The part will build on the techniques shown in Part One and add
Using a tracking mount
Polar Alignment
Using a PC
Auto Guiding
We will demonstrate how each technique will improve and allow you to attempt more ambitious images. This workshop will act as a foundation course for additional imaging courses planned in the future.
It is not necessary to bring any equipment with you, however those who do may wish to try out some of the techniques demonstrated following Part Two, The workshop is intended to be interactive with help and advice offered, so anyone wishing to 'have a go' will be given as much help as they need.
It would be useful to have an idea of numbers of those attending. Therefore could all those planning to come along please responds to this message. Following the workshop, I will email all attendees a copy of the 'Introduction to Astrophotography' talk which includes many of the techniques that will be demonstrated at the practical workshop.
The plan is to meet on Blackheath, just north of Talbot Place from around 8.00pm. The workshop is planned to start at 8.15pm.
Talbot Place is a right turn off Goffers Road as you head towards Shooters Hill Road or the first left after the Tea Hut. Talbot Place is a cul-de-sac, where free parking is available from 7.30pm. A map of the site can be found on the Flamsteed website - http://flamsteed.info/observing/stargazing-events/blackheath-stargazing/ .
Best regards and clear skies
Flamsteed Observing and Imaging Group
Thanks for doing that, Rupert. I will assist you in whatever way you need me to. I think I will also bring my equatorial and refractor just in case if needed for additional demoing. I'll leave the Nextstar, since you all seem to frown on that as an imaging system, lol).
Regards to part 2, will you be covering both planetary and DSOs? Just wondering if you got time to cover both as they are two different ball games...or maybe just see how it goes?
I hope to attend Rupert.