Actually I think it was the 15th when I took this. Had to wait until 2am for Saturn to get high enough but even so only 16°. Dispersion all over the place.
Must say its really nice to be outside for ages without freezing my nads off when doing this!
Saturn 14/04/15 by astrograph ltd, on Flickr
Image was taken with an APM 152/1200 and Baader FFC at 4.2X for 5000mm FL. Pierro Astro ADC and Point Grey Blackfly (ICX692). I took LRGB images (4 minutes each) but ended up using the R channel as luminance. After Venus and Jupiter, Saturn was sooooo dark, was down to 17FPS at best. Saturn does not really show the effects of blur from rotation so could have gone longer. However my polar alignment was not perfect so it would have drifted out of frame if I exposed longer.