As it now clears my roof I have turned my attention to Venus while it is visible.
Venus 14/04/15 by astrograph ltd, on Flickr
This was taken using an APM 152/1200 with a Baader FFC Barlow at 3X for 3600mm FL. A Pierro Astro Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector was used to clear up the very visible dispersion given Venus is so bright. I used a Point Grey Blackfly (ICX692 sensor) and used an Astronomik IR642 filter for the Red channel and a Wratten 47 (deep violet) for the Blue, then produced a synthetic Green channel from these in PS for a full colour image. I captured data for 2 minutes with each filter.
The video was processed in PIPP then stacked is AS2 with 1.5x Drizzle, slightly sharpened in Regstax 6 then combined in PS.
I'm quite pleased with this initial image as cloud detail is just visible. I think experimenting a bit more at the UV end will tease out a few more clouds and maybe increasing magnification to 4X.
Andy this must be one for the video wall.
Gosh, yes, Brian! Great shot, Rupert, I've got it downloaded for the next video.
Thanks guys.
Andy, slow down! This is the first shot of Venus managed, I have others to process and more is becoming visible each day so I am sure we can do better than this.
I also imaged Saturn for the first time this year last night and there is a bit more to come from Jupiter yet. Not to mention full disc Cak and Ha images. You will have plenty for next months video wall, don't worry!
Okay, Rupert. I look forward to seeing those!