Looks like it will be worth getting up early on Saturday, too. Venus and Jupiter will be further apart, but joined by a very slim crescent of the moon. Current weather forecast suggests it could be clear viewing, too!
Screengrab from Stellarium.
I've already planned where to stand to have a nice foreground object!! 🙂
Although, yesterday the weather was not too promising, so I am waiting before I get too excited 🙂
And that's why your pictures are so good - you plan ahead! I set the alarm the night before and then poke an eye out from under the duvet to see if the weather is half decent, then try to find my camera, then curse myself for not charging the battery the night before, then find my daughter's camera which has a better battery...
Awe Thank you!!
But well, I said I planned... Let's see if I execute the plan - it would involve having to cycle 35min... at 4am... meaning getting up at 3.30am at least (or not going to bed?).
Just thought has me wishing to go back to bed!