Wiltshire looks good. In particular Stonehenge. It all makes sense, now. It was built in an area of minimal light pollution.....
E=mC-squared - what else is there to know? ;) Edit: I'm forgetting my manners: thanks for posting that Future Learn course link, Tej.
For the scale of chunkiness that Hogan hopes to find, he needs to measure distances to an accuracy of 10^-18m, about 100m times smaller than a hydroge...
Which one will win? There's only one way to find out!
Always ahead of the field Physics pun?
Anyone who knows anything about cleaning a telescope mirror knows that you shouldn’t put a cleaning cloth anywhere near the surface Like most squeege...
All sounds feasible… if a little boring I've been working on a theory that these irregular light curves are caused by alien squeegee merchants jumpin...
the vacuum of space! Get your yellow card warmed up, Mike.
It's not very astronomical but we could all go as 'Spartacus'.