I listened to it as well and enjoyed it. I wasn't entirely sure about the extent to which it was historically accurate or simply 'inspired by' real ev...
FYI, Brian, spotted this the other day on the RAS website: Brazilian astronomers find newborn stars at the edge of the Galaxy
Brian, that is just so cool! Thanks for that! Forgive me but I couldn't help but run the article through Google Translate. Actually, it came out pret...
He’s got to stop spying through the office windows in Canary Wharf, though To be fair, there was nothing else to look at on Friday! :)
Just found this Getty Images link with a great shot of Rupert - and more (professional) photos from Greenwich (and from a few other places that didn't...
Looks like our first new image for the April video! I'll double-credit it - image by Rupert, processing by Christina!
What values would each of you assign to the components of the Drake equation?
I loved the orreries - the classical one and the CGI one that built out of the original!
Amazing work - by both of you!
The first 20 seconds of this 48-second Youtube video is pretty awesome, showing the asteroid passing across the night sky. The rest of the video is te...
Mike: they're amazing!
No worries Tej - I was thinking ahead to the opening video at our next lecture night - no rush, just curious to now if you were successful! But if you...
Title should have been lunar eclipse, sorry. Sorted, Brian. That should be awesome! Fingers crossed you get some great photographs!
Sorry to read you chaps are under the weather. Unfortunately I can't attend tonight either, though wellness has nothing to do with it. Tej, did you m...