Andy Sawers
Andy Sawers
Honorable Member
Joined: Jun 19, 2020
Topics: 0 / Replies: 742
RE: Selenelion

Last minute trip to Hawaii anyone? Purely in the interests of science, of course. Mike, what's the petty cash looking like?

8 years ago
RE: Online astronomy videos and study sources

Open University now part sponsors (along with other Unis) a free study platform organisation called FutureLearn on the internet An email newsletter fr...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 62
RE: H-Alpha Images from 05/10/14

I am also trying focus stacking as at long focal lengths like this (3360mm), the limb can be in focus but detail further in can get soft. Flippin' 'ec...

8 years ago
RE: Should Pluto be a planet again?

the Kings Arms Tej, we gotta find that pub. The distinction I would draw between two planets sharing an orbit and a binary star is that the planets a...

8 years ago
RE: Should Pluto be a planet again?

I remember the days when Jupiter had 12 moons and Saturn had 9, so it felt like both my childhood interest in astronomy and an orange cartoon dog each...

8 years ago
RE: What software do people use?

BTW I had put a list of software on the Useful stuff section of the forum. D'oh! Why didn't I think to look there first!!! Thanks, Sumitra!

8 years ago
RE: Video of Solar flare

a cool video. Oh, wow. It certainly is! Am I right in thinking this is two clips at different wavelengths then combined into a third clip? H-alpha a...

8 years ago
RE: My telescope came today :)

Is that not the best feeling the first time you look through your telescope and see a body so far away. Absolutely, Brian! Just a few months ago I sa...

8 years ago
RE: What software do people use?

Like I've always said: APOTY needs more photos of water hazard warning signs. Thanks, Mike! I'll try it out!

8 years ago
RE: What software do people use?

StarStaX to create star trail images Thanks, Mike, I'll have a look at that. I think we used a German site - for Katie's GCSE star trai...

8 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 56
RE: Practical Imaging Workshop

From food to astrology, what next knitting? Yep.

8 years ago
RE: Practical Imaging Workshop

It doesn't help that the likes of Galileo cast horoscopes, including one he did for himself. In 1609 he did a horoscope for Grand Duke Ferdinand I, p...

8 years ago
RE: Astrofest Tickets Now Available

Flippin' 'eck, you're absolutely right. So - in capital letters to distract attention from my error: DAY 2 HAS NOT SOLD OUT!

8 years ago
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