Last minute trip to Hawaii anyone? Purely in the interests of science, of course. Mike, what's the petty cash looking like?
Open University now part sponsors (along with other Unis) a free study platform organisation called FutureLearn on the internet An email newsletter fr...
I am also trying focus stacking as at long focal lengths like this (3360mm), the limb can be in focus but detail further in can get soft. Flippin' 'ec...
the Kings Arms Tej, we gotta find that pub. The distinction I would draw between two planets sharing an orbit and a binary star is that the planets a...
I remember the days when Jupiter had 12 moons and Saturn had 9, so it felt like both my childhood interest in astronomy and an orange cartoon dog each...
BTW I had put a list of software on the Useful stuff section of the forum. D'oh! Why didn't I think to look there first!!! Thanks, Sumitra!
a cool video. Oh, wow. It certainly is! Am I right in thinking this is two clips at different wavelengths then combined into a third clip? H-alpha a...
Is that not the best feeling the first time you look through your telescope and see a body so far away. Absolutely, Brian! Just a few months ago I sa...
Like I've always said: APOTY needs more photos of water hazard warning signs. Thanks, Mike! I'll try it out!
StarStaX to create star trail images Thanks, Mike, I'll have a look at that. I think we used a German site - for Katie's GCSE star trai...
From food to astrology, what next knitting? Yep.
It doesn't help that the likes of Galileo cast horoscopes, including one he did for himself. In 1609 he did a horoscope for Grand Duke Ferdinand I, p...
Flippin' 'eck, you're absolutely right. So - in capital letters to distract attention from my error: DAY 2 HAS NOT SOLD OUT!