Thanks for that, Mike. Sadly I'm not going to be able to make it either, but I see that there's going to be an audio recording posted on their site a ...
"The 10-billion-tonne target: 67P is roughly 4km wide with a bulk density of about 450kg per cubic metre - similar to many types of wood" Hang on - y...
Good point, Brian. Thank you. Oh - and thanks for the pointer about the venue!
No, but I'm going to this one, thanks to Brian's posting. EDIT: I've just noticed that the RAS website says the October talk is a change from the o...
village idiot Sadly, so many villages are losing their pubs, their post offices, their churches... and it can be really hard to find a top class villa...
Picture of the twat hauling the heavy HEQ5 equatorial in the cricket wheelie bag and never using it Tej, I haven't got the huge amount of technical as...
Impressive that you can see through the Sun from there They're good ol' boys. I'm sure they can do anything 'slong as they got a few bottles of Bud. ...
Jackson, Mississippi, is further south than London therefore it was closer to the comet making it easier to see ;) Right, then: can you name the son...
I love this Mary Chapin Carpenter song.
It looks pretty damn fine to me, Tej! I encourage anyone looking at that pic to click on it to see some of Tej's other shots on Flickr. The sun photo...
Tej, Sorry I didn't see your reply before now. Yes, indeed, Astronomy magazine. Available on Paper 1.0 - never needs to be upgraded and the batteries ...
"We could well be extraordinary, even if we are insignificant." Now there's a sentence to grapple with.
Here's an APOD showing the difference between a supermoon and a weedy, pathetic, 'could try harder' moon. /a> It's obvious that the one on the left i...