It was a good joke! It (almost!) left me speechless! ;)
” “ You don't say! ;)
Just spotted this on Twitter: rainbow/glory on Venus.
I've just added The Individual and the Universe - the 1958 BBC Reith Christmas lectures by Bernard Lovell.
Brian's right - it's lovely. Funnily enough, while photography is my favourite art form, my favourite painters are the Impressionists, especially Mone...
Quotes seem to be working again! Maybe it went on holiday, too! ;) EDIT: It even works on the BlackBerry - which is a minor miracle!
Googled it and found this...
What a beautiful photograph. It actually looks like a painting. Lovely. Yes, I think you're right. We should have a big screen up somewhere at Flamst...
What's your PhD in? And where?
A bit late - but what the heck... BTW this is from a web-based science/maths (and occasionally very rude!) cartoonist at
I'm signed up for this - though neither of you need it, I'd say! Digital Astrophotography for Beginners
We're on the same page on that one. I was meaning that to do an old-fashioned, one-shot, no-stacking photograph I'd have to do 4 minutes - which obvio...
ISO 12,800??? Oh, heck, I can see the limitations of my 7-year-old Canon with a top ISO of 1,600. I'd have to push to 4 minutes @ f/4... I was wonder...
Wow. So now I know what ETTR is: How did you shoot this, Sumitra? How long was the exposure(s)?