Andy Sawers
Andy Sawers
Honorable Member
Joined: Jun 19, 2020
Topics: 0 / Replies: 742
RE: Space on my bookshelves

Never mind pronouncing it - does he know how to read it???

8 years ago
RE: Rainbows and other sky phenomena

Double sun dogs from

8 years ago
RE: Solar Observing at the ROG

The 'All Quiet' event Okay, sorry, clearly this is my fault. On the basis of the Flamsteed 'Who's bought new kit recently?' mantra, I stick my hand up...

8 years ago
RE: Space on my bookshelves

UK space shot's tribute to Newton British astronaut Tim Peake has picked "Principia" to be the name of his mission into space next year. Read more:

8 years ago
RE: Rosetta Target Double Comet

I'm on holiday, it's sunny and I have a G&T in hand, so I probably shouldn't try to 'think' and be clever, but... If water survived on comets but...

8 years ago
RE: Our members

On the exoplanets thread I think it would have helped if we could have raided the Open University toy box for some papier maché spherical models so we...

8 years ago
RE: Exoplanets

Wow. Thanks, Mike. To be honest, it was a much more whimsical question - but I'm astounded at the estimated mass/density. So little material scattered...

8 years ago
RE: Exoplanets

Ah! Okay, then. My mistake. I thought the formula was telling us what the probability is of observing - at any particular moment in time - a transit i...

8 years ago
RE: Exoplanets

Two universes: First universe: the orbital plane of every exoplanet system is completely random. Viewed from earth, some exosystems will show exopla...

8 years ago
RE: Exoplanets

42 It seems to work for rainbows, Tej!

8 years ago
RE: Exoplanets

Let me try this another way ("God, no! Make him stop!") Assume every star has an exoplanet, and that that exoplanet whizzes around its star every few...

8 years ago
RE: Exoplanets

The planet has to be in our line of sight. I think we're actually agreeing with each other, Brian! My original comment was "it has often struck me ...

8 years ago
RE: This ones for Mike.

raised to the power of x multiplied by s, i (the square root of -1) and pi. You know that feeling when you're running a marathon and you get to the 1...

8 years ago
RE: Rainbows and other sky phenomena

Mike, I reckon you'd make a lot of money selling photographs like that. Then you'd be a sundog millionaire. I'll get my coat...

8 years ago
Reply To: Exoplanets

While walking home from an awards dinner late last night I suddenly realised that my conclusions above were arrant nonsense. The angular diameter of t...

8 years ago
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