If I've done the maths right, then the penumbra projected by an equivalent sun-earth system is a cone with an angle of around 0.25 degrees - which is ...
Add to Mike's list a phenomenon known as a Brocken Spectre (note - not broken, but brocken). Note the completely circular rainbow shape and the shado...
Good points, Tej, and yes I believe you're right about gravitational tugging. And certainly it's my understanding that they do try to deploy as many m...
Ye-ess - but that's assuming that the plane of the exoplanet's orbit is in line of sight between the earth and the star. If the plane of the orbit is ...
Spotted this NLC photo album on Facebook - it's from the Scottish Dark Sky Observatory near Dalmellington, southwest Scotland, and the photos were tak...
I haven't seen the episode yet but it has often struck me as a remarkably low probability that the orbital plane of an exoplanet would lie exactly in ...
To add your own photographs... (1) If your own photos aren't already uploaded on a website somewhere, you can use a Flickr account to upload your pho...
Hi Seyed. Thanks for your post. To upload photos to here you have to... (1) Use a Flickr account to upload your photos. (2) From Flickr, click on 'Sh...
That is awesome (and I never use that word). I want that bench!
Mike, I was feeling your pain all afternoon - but all you can do is make the best decision possible on the basis of the available information - which ...
Assuming everyone here hasn't by now been completely put off the idea of watching science stuff on TV, this is Sky at Night week. First broadcast is t...
Unfortunately, 'Next day delivery' for the replacement Zarkov Cloud Gun bullets was prohibitively expensive. They're being delivered by camel within t...
But the camouflage design might make it more difficult to see and avoid bumping into each other on Blackheath....
Judging by Mike's and Clive's headgear - and the titfer I left at home - I reckon that Tilley hats are the chapeaux de rigueur. Baseball caps are grea...