Brilliant photos. Going to be very difficult to pick an overall winner.
I like that idea. I would agree to going ahead.
Tej Where is Mike's Forward? The reason that Star Trek The Motion Picture was made as a film was precisely that the studios thought that they could ...
Tej As a Star Trek fan since the first series in the 60s I have to disagree with you about Star Trek the motion picture. It was originally meant to ...
Lurking, makes it sound perverse. Like some sort of stalker.
I know that Kodak used to get quite a sizable amount. When I worked in a photographers we used to get a fair amount as well.
Mike Ignore the criticism of those who do not know about film they do not know how empty their life is. Also I do not know if you were aware that the...
Flamsteed sandwich boards at public events, original. We would have to get one for every committee member.
It is a shame I missed the trip but was unavoidable. Will we be organising again?