Do you think I could have got away with a lower F number? With macro photography, it's always difficult to use low f-numbers, as you want a decent de...
Do you know if I could still have had a spiky sun at F/11 in daylight? Depends on the mechanics of the lens, I suspect. You probably will still see t...
Here my contribution of sundogs! Very nicely composed images. Forgive me for saying... and you've probably learnt this by now... by stopping down to...
I couldn’t quote as well for 2-3 days, but it is working fine now Yes, this was a bug in bbPress, which was fixed by an update.
Hmmm... that's all rather odd, Tej. It may be a Chrome issue, but I've not noticed it previously. As regards logging on, you should get 5 attempts to...
The stacked image has significantly less noise and also has better contrast. With the stacked image, I suspect you could push the levels and curves a ...
Both have their benefits but I much prefer the ETTR one – I think the other one is way too noisy. Thoughts welcome! I completely agree with you, but ...
don’t you see more noise in the ISO 1600 I really think it depends on the camera. Higher end cameras like the 5D, plus, to an extent, the 60D, 70D, 6...
My camera (Canon 650D) has a silly high ISO maximum claim at 25,600 I really wouldn't bother with ISO settings this high... there will be a huge amou...
Did you catch the Milky Way in the IoW? Not a chance... too busy! Managed to take a few photos on one day, but only of landscapes. Tucked up in bed b...
Can we be allowed to edit out past posts or is there a reason for not allowing it? Tej, I've increased the amount of time that you have to edit a pos...
I doubt that embedded images are an issue. The problems we are seeing are primarily down to server performance and PHP issues. We seem to be gradually...