Andy Sawers
Andy Sawers
Honorable Member
Joined: Jun 19, 2020
Topics: 0 / Replies: 742
RE: CERN trip

BBC story today about recent findings and the imminent restart of the LHC at CERN...

8 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 59
RE: Planets past Pluto

BTW, while a New Scientist story the other day referred to a planet hiding 'beyond' Pluto, their tweet to link to the story said "There is a hidden "P...

8 years ago
RE: Planets past Pluto

I hadn't heard the story about the 'PL' in Pluto - only the story about the young girl in England who suggested the name. There's a podcast (and trans...

8 years ago
RE: Pathe News – Greenwich

Mike, your knowledge of 1920s film stock is ever so slightly disturbing! You ought to get out more - with or without a telescope!!! ;)

8 years ago
RE: Science on TV

Finally got a chance to watch this programme. I'd forgotten (a) how good it is and (b) what an amazing feat of engineering and sheer ingenuity the Vik...

8 years ago
RE: Head torch with red bulb

It's just as Pat describes. Looks good. £2.99 and Aldi in Catford has about, oh, I'd say 60 left!

8 years ago
RE: Space on my bookshelves

Love the Hasselblads. Nice square format, perfect for framing the Earthrise photo. I agree, having great camera equipment helps - though I don't envy ...

8 years ago
RE: Space on my bookshelves

WOW. When you look at those photos it's hard to believe they gave out almost all the astronaut jobs to fighter jocks and not to scientifically-curio...

8 years ago
RE: Space on my bookshelves

Turn Left at Orion, of course, great with a pair of binoculars and a glass of wine Sounds like my kind of book!

8 years ago
RE: Head torch with red bulb

It's in Aldi stores as of today, apparently. While stocks last.

8 years ago
RE: Space on my bookshelves

I stumbled across a book this morning called Starlight Detectives: How Astronomers, Inventors, and Eccentrics Discovered the Modern Universe. American...

8 years ago
RE: Space on my bookshelves

A very inspiring list, there, Mike! I make regular trips to Galloway where (a) it's dark (but not in midsummer) and (b) the town of Wigtown has seve...

8 years ago
Replies: 56
Views: 469
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